Hit / Numme, with the artistic imitation of the effects of reflected shuttering boards in plaster, grains of sand and changing cement colours, are perfect for industrial interiors and classic delabré style.

Hit & Numme

Wall tiles

Hit Grey 30x90. Large format old concrete effect bathroom wall tiles.
Hit Grey 30x90


Hit Caramel 30x90. Large format old concrete effect bathroom wall tiles.
Hit Caramel 30x90



Numme Grey 30x90. Large format old concrete geometric pattern mosaic effect decorative bathroom wall tile.
Numme Grey 30x90


look at collection


Hit / Numme is a collection of concrete-look ceramic tiles that reinterpret the charm of worn surfaces in perfect balance between past and present. They reproduce artistically the effects of reflected shuttering boards in plaster, grains of sand and changing cement colours. The raw look combined with a lot of detailing is perfect for industrial interiors and classic delabré style. Every imperfection in the material is a valuable element in creating unique and unconventional public and private spaces.

Technical Details
Dimensions 29.5x90
Tiles/m² 3.77
Tiles/y² 3.15
Tiles/Box 6
m²/Box 1.59

*The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the characteristics of the packaging as per the terms and conditions of the order.